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Therapy for Narcissism Victims - How to overcome your narcissistic trauma

Therapy for Narcissism Victims
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I specialise in narcissism victim therapies in my practice. In my practice I support people who have experienced narcissistic abuse from parents or partners to overcome the complete self-alienation and emotional injuries so that they can take back their lives and follow their hearts again in a self-determined way with self-love, self-worth and self-confidence. Based on my personal experience with narcissistic violence and accompanying narcissism victims, I have developed an intensive and profound therapy programme especially for narcissism victims.

I BELIEVE what you say.

I BELIEVE what you feel.

How you too with Emotional Release Therapy for Narcissism Victims

  • Take back the power over your life
  • Learning to love yourself
  • Increase your self-worth
  • Overcome your self-doubt
  • Closingthe narcissistic (parental) relationship on an emotional level
  • Transformyour emotional pain
  • Free yourself from emotional dependence
  • Learn to trust your own perceptions again
  • Learn to stand up for yourself again
  • Learn to be yourself again without feeling guilty
  • Learn to feel and sense yourself again
  • Learning to feel again
  • make peace with your past
  • Dissolves limiting beliefs
  • Learn to set boundaries
  • relearn how to deal with emotions in a healthy way
  • Learn to forgive and why that is important
  • You learn how to break out of the prison of your mind

In my narcissism victim therapy programme I work on different levels

  • Emotional release from your emotional hurts
  • Inner child work
  • Work with your subconscious
  • Realignment of your mindset
  • Building self-love and self-worth
  • Trauma Release
  • Body therapy intervention
Therapy for Narcissism Victims

The core of my therapy programme for narcissism victims is the emotional processing of the trauma caused by narcissistic abuse, the work with the subconscious and the realignment of your mindset and the building of self-love and self-worth. Narcissistic trauma is complex and leaves deep traces and therefore requires a comprehensive approach to therapy.

You are controlled by the programmes that run in your subconscious mind.

With my narcissism victim therapy programme I dive into your subconscious together with you. It is not talk therapy. Talk therapies work with the conscious mind.

Did you know that the conscious mind only accounts for 5%?
However, 95% ofus are controlled by the programmes and beliefs that run in our subconscious mind!

I cannot cure you.

But I will show you how to heal yourself.

You have already successfully taken your first step towards healing.

You recognise that you have suffered trauma in the form of narcissistic abuse and seek support. Congratulations on your journey into your own life!

This is the first step to change, to become aware that you want to change something and get support for it.

What narcissistic abuse has done to you

Through the narcissistic abuse you have loaded all kinds of negative limiting beliefs, convictions, programming and patterns into yourself, believing words that have been said to you. Silence and devaluations referred to you. You were manipulated, criticised and kept down. Because of the narcissistic abuse

  • Don't you know who you are anymore
  • You no longer know what you feel
  • Do you no longer know if you can trust your own perception?
  • Are you deeply insecure
  • Are you extremely adapted
  • Do you feel empty
  • Do you not feel good enough
  • Do you feel worthless
  • Are you emotionally dependent
Dissolve negative beliefs

That is why you will learn

  • Limitations
  • Fears
  • Self-doubt
  • Low self-confidence
  • Low self-love
  • Low self-worth
  • Fainting
  • Despair
  • Guilt

Do you want to overcome narcissistic abuse?

Narcissistic abuse runs deep and is complex, especially if it was experienced in childhood. In my therapy program for narcissism victims, you gradually feel the emotions stored within you in a safe environment. What you can feel, you can heal.  

What you do not know

You must know, you are with

  • Courage
  • Self-worth
  • Self-confidence
  • Self-love
  • Basic trust
  • Connectedness
  • Faith in yourself
  • Joy
  • Dear
  • Self-confidence
  • Trust
  • Openness
  • And much more

have been born. 

You have only lost the connection to who you really are through what has happened to you. Because of the negative things that you have invited into yourself from your environment, you have lost access to the

  • Self-love
  • Self-worth
  • Self-confidence
  • Courage
  • Self-confidence
  • Strength
  • Joy
  • Dear
  • etc.


The good news

You can re-create this access by removing all the negativity that you have unconsciously invited into yourself and by inviting new, positive things into yourself.

You let go ofold, unhelpful patterns, conditioning, beliefs and convictions about yourself and life and words said to you and about you and emotional hurts.

You start to feel the emotion again and thus release it, get the energy associated with the emotion flowing again so that the trauma can be transformed.

Why Emotional Release for Narcissism Victims can be a helpful therapy for you

Emotions are energy in motion, E-Motion, Energy in Motion. When emotions are felt in a healthy way, they rush through our body in seconds or minutes. However, if you suppress emotions, the emotion, i.e. the energy, cannot flow through your body, it stays in the body and is stored there.

We have often learned to suppress emotions as a child, because we have learned from our environment that e.g.

  • Being sad
  • Being angry
  • Being too cheerful

is not desired.

We were told:

  • Don't cry
  • Don't cry, nothing happened
  • An Indian knows no pain
  • A big boy doesn't cry after all
  • If you're not good right away, you won't get any ice cream.
  • Be good
  • behave
  • Be quiet
  • Don't make such a fuss

These sentences have led to the fact that we have noticed, it is not okay if we are, for example, sad or angry. So we have started to suppress these feelings that are unwanted by our environment. As a child, this is our only coping strategy, especially when we are taught this by our parents.

How childhood traumas develop

Childhood trauma doesn't happen because we were hurt as a child, but because no one was there for us emotionally when we were hurt. It doesn't take a big, bad experience to become traumatised. When many small emotional hurts accumulate over a long period of time, this is called developmental trauma.

If you think you had a good childhood, had everything you needed, all the material things were available, were sent to music lessons and to the sports club and actually lacked nothing, but you still have the feeling that something deep inside you is not right, your parents may not have been emotionally accessible to you. Because they didn't know how to do it, because their parents didn't tell them otherwise.

What happens during an emotional injury? - Splitting off the trauma

Before the trauma or emotional injury happens, we are complete and whole, we trust ourselves and others. When the trauma happens, it overwhelms us emotionally so much that we think we won't survive. So we compartmentalise the trauma, put the event in a box, close it up, shove it into a dark corner and pretend it's not there. This happens with every emotional injury we experience when we have no other coping strategy.

For the moment of happening, this makes perfect sense, as our system has to protect us from being overwhelmed in order to ensure our survival. However, the more often and the longer this happens, the more we cut ourselves off from our emotions and thus from ourselves, we become completely numb, dull emotionally and only function. We hide our true self behind a mask, we are no longer ourselves.

We take refuge in our heads so that we don't have to feel any more.

We are afraid to feel. We no longer want to feel.

We decided feeling is dangerous.

We are caught between our head and the split-off part of us.

Our head says, for example: I want to show myself.

The split-off part says: No, I can't!

Do you know it?

You desperately want to do something, but you just can't?

You want to, but you can't?

What happens when we ignore the split-off trauma?

Even if we pretend that the boxes in the dark corners are not there, they are still there and have an effect. They have an effect in that we display behavioural patterns that we do not want at all, such as:

  • Become aggressive
  • sleep a lot
  • Become shy
  • develop fears
  • smoking or drinking
  • Eat excessively
  • develop addictions
  • are on the internet for hours
  • watch TV for hours
  • are easily triggered
  • are on autopilot
  • Withdraw
  • become loud
  • Distract ourselves with many activities
  • develop a helper syndrome
  • Become perfectionist
  • constantly put things off
  • cannot do things we would like to do
  • Develop psychosomatic symptoms
  • end up in exhaustion, burn-out and depression
  • and much more

These are examples of behaviour patterns that we establish to keep our deep emotional hurts hidden in the boxes. This happens unconsciously, of course.

How beliefs relate to narcissistic violence

If you have experienced narcissistic violence, you have experienced emotional trauma. You probably lacked the coping strategies to deal with the strong emotions and started to suppress them.

In addition, in connection with the suppressed emotions, you have begun to form beliefs and convictions, such as:

  • I am not good enough
  • I am worthless
  • I can never do this
  • What I feel is wrong
  • I am not lovable
  • I am a victim
  • I am to blame
  • I am not right
  • I have to adapt
  • I am nothing

The beliefs and convictions build on the emotions that we suppress and put in the box.

To keep the boxes of repressed emotions closed, we also develop beliefs, such as:

  • When I feel fear, I die
  • When I feel shame, I die
  • When I feel anger, I hurt someone
  • When I feel worthlessness, I die

Want impulses for emotional self-help?

Then I will send you impulses, tools and exercises on how to take the first steps to overcome your narcissistic trauma on an emotional level. There you will also find the appointment announcements for my trauma-sensitive online group coaching. 

How you too can overcome your narcissistic trauma with Emotional Release

With my therapy programme specifically for narcissism victims, I teach you how to slowly bring out the boxes that have been pushed into dark corners, open them up and gradually - at your own pace - feel the emotions again.

When the trauma is healed, the part that was split off because of the trauma is reintegrated with the rest of you. The voice in your head becomes quieter or disappears, the internal struggle can stop.

You can go from your head to your heart again, because you don't have to be afraid to feel emotions.

When you

  • experiencednarcissistic abuse
  • have been manipulated
  • you have been made emotionally dependent
  • experienced gaslighting
  • Experienced silenttreatment (punishment by silence)
  • experienced lovebombing and devaluation

you have experienced emotional trauma. Narcissistic abuse is psychological violence.

What you can feel, you can heal

If you learn to feel these emotions that were stored in you again, to let them be there without doing anything with them, they can start to flow freely again. When emotions can flow freely again, they rush through our body in seconds.

The beliefs that were built on these emotions lose their foundation. Thoughts and stories that you have told yourself and others disappear, become obsolete, when the emotion on which they are based is no longer stuck in your body but has been released.

For Emotional Release I work with the Journey Method® and various body-oriented techniques. I guide you into your inner world on deep and powerful and liberating inner journeys.

We realign your mindset - your power tool

The narcissist has destroyed your mindset. After narcissistic abuse, you believe that you are

  • are to blame for everything
  • are worthless
  • are not good enough
  • you cannot exist without the narcissist
  • are not lovable
  • are a victim
  • You have to adapt to survive
  • not be yourself

In my therapy programme for victims of narcissists, we realign your mindset.

You have to do it.

But I'll show you how.

You learn how to

  • Turning your mindset into a powerful supporter
  • Believe in yourself again
  • Build self love
  • Build self-worth
  • Align yourself positively
  • can achieve everything if you can only imagine it
  • Recognise your potential within yourself and reconnect with it

What kind of victims do narcissists look for?

Due to a split-off childhood trauma that is the cause of their behaviour, people with narcissistic personality disorder or narcissistic behaviour, have a very low self-worth. A narcissist therefore necessarily needs a person who has a low self-worth and is very adapted, so that he can enhance himself. A narcissist can only make emotionally dependent, bully, devalue, criticise, manipulate and ignore adapted people with low self-worth who cannot set boundaries. And this is what a narcissist thrives on. That's why it often happens that a person with low self-worth keeps attracting narcissists into his life.

A person with a healthy self-worth would not accept the narcissist's behaviour and would set boundaries very quickly, the narcissist would not be able to dock and would try someone else.

How do I behave towards a narcissist?

You can learn to set your own boundaries. You are not the property of the narcissist. If something does not feel good to you, then it is not good. Even if the narcissist claims otherwise and "only means well with you". It is absolutely essential that you stay with yourself and do not bend to please. Work on your self-worth, then the narcissist's attempts to manipulate you will bounce off you. Do not take the narcissist's behaviour personally. It has nothing to do with you. Inside every narcissist is a small wounded child who is living out his or her childhood traumas.

Do not try to change or even treat a narcissist, this will not work. Narcissists are not aware of their problems and are therefore not insightful.

How self-love and self-worth protect you from narcissists

If you have a high self-worth, a narcissist has no chance with you.

If you love yourself, you can also simply set limits. Because out of love for yourself, you will no longer allow certain things and break off contact. This is a very natural consequence.

A healthy self-worth is therefore an absolute key to protecting yourself from narcissists in the future.

How to get a higher self-worth

Self-love is made of courage, the courage to stand by oneself.

When you love yourself, you automatically get a higher self-worth.

I work with you with powerful, deep inner journeys so that you can rediscover your self-love.

Inner child work for narcissistic abuse in childhood

In my therapy programme for victims of narcissists, inner child work is an essential part. Your younger self has experienced a lot of pain from the narcissistic abuse that is still inside you now.

The emotional pain has to be resolved at the child level. It cannot be resolved at the adult level because it is in your younger self.

If you have experienced narcissistic abuse in childhood, we work with your inner child.

Inner child work in therapy after narcissistic separation

In therapy after a narcissistic relationship, we also work with your inner child, because a narcissist could only dock with you because you already had a low self-worth and may have been very conformist.

The cause for this is often found in childhood in the family system. Narcissists can only dock with people with low self-esteem. You may have had a covertly narcissistic mother or father and not be aware of it.

To protect you from narcissists in the future, we work on your self-worth and that you are allowed and able to be yourself again.

We also work, of course, with the younger adult versions of you who have experienced the narcissistic abuse to transform any emotional pain.

Who did you have to be for your mother or father?

As a child, we adapted to our parents in order to please them, in order to survive. We were dependent on them for food, care and protection. So in childhood we are conditioned to need the approval of others. This creates a pattern that we continue in school, at work, in partnerships, social relationships, friendships and generally in life.

We have been conditioned to please others

As adults, we no longer have to please other people in order to survive.


But the programmes from childhood are still running inside us!

These childhood programmes are the reason why you keep attracting narcissistic partners.

In my therapy programme for narcissism victims you will learn how to

  • You transformthese old patterns
  • You transform the emotional pain of your younger self
  • You can give your younger self what it needs
  • You can take your younger self by the hand and tell him: I am here for you now.

Relaxation of your fear and soul muscle

I also treat you with body therapy if you can come to my practice to relax your hip flexor, the psoas muscle. Your hip flexor is your fear and soul muscle.

A relaxed hip flexor can have a significant influence on mental well-being. In addition, I treat the surrounding pelvic muscles. When the muscles around the pelvis are loosened and relaxed, we stand, walk and feel more liberated.

My Emotional Release Therapy programme for narcissism victims is right for you if you want to

  • Want to get your life back
  • seek a comprehensive and profound approach to treatment that goes beyond the conscious mind
  • bring the deep willingness to want to change something
  • are ready to face your emotional pain
  • want to grow
  • want to get out of your drama
  • want to do more than just talk about your challenge
  • are looking for something other than classical psychotherapy

Book an appointment for a preliminary talk now if you want to take part in my therapy programme for victims of narcissists!

Stefanie Heinlein

I am an expert on narcissism, healing practitioner & mentor. My mission: emotional release & working with the subconscious mind. I supported people to free themselves from the shackles of their emotional hurts and traumas, and related repressed emotions and patterns, regardless of the cause. My particular area of heart and specialization is supporting women in releasing their narcissistic trauma so that they can once again live a self-determined life with self-love, self-worth and self-confidence.

Stefanie Heinlein